I use this to describe the goal of the network to produce on average 6 blocks per 60 mins. It’s a rhythm, it will ebb and itwill flow, but probability works this out and underlined with difficulty adjustments every 2016 blocks. The goal of Luarentia Pool is to set a minimum cadence to achieve profitability at scale for our miners, by creating optimal conditions  for every user. 

     We could open the pool for mining. Which you can live test currently with a commitment, but as our pool is designed for institutional and industrial miners. There’s really no point to hash here outside of preparation for when we reach minimum cadence. You could try to solve a lucky block, sure but there are already solo pools for that. What we want to deliver to our users is not just a robust optimized network and server managed by one of the best in the industry, Con Kolivas, but offer a predictable reward cadence based on the same math and code and promote a healthy competitive environment.

     We achieved in developing a model that competes with the consistency of PPS without having to sacrifice trust in payout. We’ve password protected our pool using sha256 encryption to ensure malicious miners cannot come and soak reward on our pool when our luck is up, providing all revenue to those who have earned it. We drive for a minimum cadence of which is 5 blockfinds per diffadj, offering predictability even when luck is down, with a target goal of 14 blockfinds per diffadj. The reason for our cadence and model is consistency, and competition. Consistency in reward, competition with network hash and difficulty. Competition with self and possibly our other users on the pool as well. As to earn reward here you have to prove it to the network directly. Not just point hash to a pool for a negotiated payout. Where others may do what they want with the work you provide, sell the minted coin for a premium, and possibly mine other sha256 networks. If your goal is to truly mine bitcoin as an institutional and/or industrial miner there’s no better option.

     The network is limited by code and math, so the only variables are those that cause changes to the outputs we’re calculating. By controlling what we can, we’re able to reduce these variances you find elsewhere. We’re doing things others would never consider as we’re not driven to maximize our own revenue. We’re driven to provide an environment to allow our users to push their operations to maximum potential. Which in turn will allow them to thrive, be better positioned to adjust to those changes in  difficulty and hashrate. With a group of peers to prove work with the similar objectives. All of which will translate to successes pool wide. Where we then reciprocate by building and customizing to your direct needs.

     We don’t care about being the biggest pool. We care about being the most efficient, optimized, and profitable. And welcome you to join us while we have space for you to do so.


-Ryan Ellis